Mainly I knit this:

It's the Little Silk Shrug from Lace Style: Traditional to Innovative, 21 Inspired Designs to Knit
So I started it. It's a super simple pattern, just a small rectangle that is folded lengthwise with a few inches seamed together on each end. Thing is, when I got to the right length, instead of casting off, I first sewed the other end together, as if to make the shrug, tried it on, and decided I was right to begin with. I really don't like shrugs.
So I undid the seam, kept knitting until I ran out of yarn (2 skeins) and had a scarf! It's a bit wider and shorter than I would have made it had I planned on a scarf from the beginning, but that's okay. I love it.
And this yarn is AMAZING. I guess it better be for how expensive it was. When it first arrived in the mail I wondered what all the fuss was about. But within 2 rows of knitting it I was in LOVE. Seriously, it's wonderfully soft and silky and smooth.
This scarf will be going to my totally awesome sister-in-law Lisa. I hope she likes it.