I just finished my coolest, most gorgeous project yet, and I can't tell you what it is because it's a Christmas gift for someone who may see it here on this site. And since I'm going to try to knit as many Christmas gifts as possible this year, this blog is going to be pretty boring for awhile. Oh, well. Come January, I'll be showing everything off.
In the meantime I'll show you my new toys, a swift and jumbo ball winder. The yarn on there is the Fleece Artist Kasula in Pale Pink. I'm not normally a pink person, but I LOVE this yarn. Even though it sheds ridiculously.

So this post won't be entirely knitting project free, I thought I'd share a tiny little felted case I made for my new digital camera. This was actually my second attempt, as the first ended up way big. I had expected it to shrink much more in the felting process, having never felted this particular yarn before. This second one ended up better, but the length shrunk more, and the width less then I thought it would, so the camera fits in the other way round than I planned. Which works out well, though.